Saturday, October 13, 2012


Day 30- October 13, 2012
After breakfast I decided to go for a 10km run. Halfway through, it started POURING rain, and it was so windy! So difficult, but I didn't give up. After a nice warm shower and lunch I tried an "appleflop" that Bart got from the bakery- it tasted like a donut with cooked apple slices inside.
After lunch, Bart, Guusje, Liv and I headed for Limburg (South Holland) to visit Bart's parents. Limburg is right on the German border, and we even had to cross into Germany to get to the city. When we arrived, we were served Limburg's famous rijstevlaai with coffee- mmmm.

I helped prepare supper- a very typical dutch meal of meat, potatoes, beans, red cabbage mashed to a pulp, and a gelatin dessert.

At 20:00 we headed to an Oktoberfest festival! We met up with Bart's two friends and drank lots of Brand beer. It was fun music and costumes.

I even tried my first German bratwurst and sauerkrout

Day 31: October 14, 2012
We all slept over at Bart's parents house. We had bread and boiled eggs for breakfast - how typical - and lots of tea and coffee. We went for a long walk around their village and saw highland cows (long hair and horns) roaming free. I always wish Curtis was with me to enjoy in these experiences!
For lunch we had more sandwiches and rijstevlaai cake and coffee. The whole visit made me feel like a visit at Opa and Beppe's house and then I felt a little homesick.

It was a two hour drive back to Capelle aan den IJssel. On the drive back I read Bart some sections of "The Undutchables"- a hilarious book making fun of the Dutch culture.

For supper we had tapas- cheeses, meats, breads, meatballs, rice salad, olives, stuffed peppers and wine. Poor Corry had invited a colleague over for dinner but they cancelled last minute, so we had a lot of leftover food! I tried talking to Curtis afterwards on skype, but my Internet connection was too poor :(

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